Page 103 - Names of Allah
P. 103

                                 A AL-QA’IM

                             The Self-Sustaining
             Allah, there is no deity but Him, the Living,  the Self-
             Sustaining. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 3:2)

             Some people believe that Allah created the universe’s flawless
         system and then left it to its own devices. Though not often ex-
         pressed, people harbor this mistaken belief in their subconscious.
         Those who do not want to acknowledge their responsibility to Allah
         and do not perform the deeds that He demands from them believe
         that this belief provides a way to escape their responsibilities.
             However, there are such causes and laws adorned with delicate
         details underlying all of existence that, such complex systems can-
         not proceed without a superior power supervising them. People
         who can hear, see, and deduce from these experiences recognize this
         fact immediately. Indeed, Allah relates that He is the One Who holds
         the heavens, Earth, and everything in between, as follows:
             Allah keeps a firm hold on the heavens and Earth, prevent-
             ing them from vanishing. And if they vanished, no one
             could then keep hold of them. Certainly He is Lenient,
             Ever-Forgiving. (Surah Fatir, 35:41)
             As this verse states, Allah created the universe and keeps a firm
         hold on it. Life exists only because He holds sway over it. This is also
         true for the stability of the universe’s extraordinarily intricate bal-
         ances and the existence of the subtleties inherent in those systems.
         The Qur’an relates these facts, as follows:
             Allah, there is no deity but Him, the Living, the Self-
             Sustaining. He is not subject to drowsiness or sleep.

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