Page 107 - Names of Allah
P. 107

                                A AL-QAWEE
                                The All-Strong
             Such was the case with Pharaoh’s people and those before
             them. They rejected Allah’s Signs, so Allah seized them for
             their wrong actions. Allah is Strong, Severe in Retribution.
             (Surat al-Anfal, 8:52)

             Throughout history, Allah sent Messengers to many nations
         and revealed the straight path to them. The Messengers told their
         people that Allah is the only God and that they need to fear Him, in
         the sense of being in awe of Him, and observe His commands.
         However, as  Allah informs us in  “That was because their
         Messengers brought them the Clear Signs but they remained un-
         believers. So Allah seized them. He is Most Strong, Severe in
         Retribution” (Surah Ghafir, 40:22), most of the nations called Allah’s
         wrath upon themselves by denying and rejecting His Messengers.
             In every age, unbelievers rebelled against the Messengers,
         made their lives difficult, and insisted upon doing so until Allah
         punished them. Holding power, wealth, and status in this world
         made them regard themselves as right and encouraged them to in-
         sist upon their arrogance. But they forgot one important fact: Allah
         is the Almighty.
             Unbelievers who fail to understand this important fact have
         nothing in their hearts and minds but the quest of greatness. They
         disregard the fact that Allah can demolish all of one’s possessions by
         sending a storm, raze all crops by heavy rains, wipe out all of one’s
         relatives by a microbe, and destroy one’s wealth in countless ways.
         To  conclude,  Allah punishes them in both this world and the
         Hereafter. In the Qur’an, Allah says this about the unbelievers:
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