Page 110 - Names of Allah
P. 110

                                  A AL-KAREEM
                                    The Generous
                 Whoever gives thanks only does so to his own gain.
                 Whoever is ungrateful, my Lord is Rich Beyond Need,
                 Generous. (Surat an-Naml, 27:40)

                 Allah created the universe and formed it according to His own
            attributes. Everything that exists belongs to Him. All beauties and
            subtleties are manifestations of His wisdom. Like all other beings,
            we come into being by His will. Each person, once a lump of flesh in
            his or her mother’s womb, is born, grows up, and manifests Allah’s
            artistry with his or her beautiful face. Indeed Allah relates human-
            ity’s superiority, as follows:
                 O man! What has deluded you in respect of your Noble
                 Lord? He Who created you, formed you, proportioned you,
                 and assembled you in whatever way He willed. (Surat al-
                 Infitar, 82:6-8)
                 Yet, although people can think, many of them never wonder
            how they came into being and who is responsible for the countless
            blessings surrounding them. The Qur’an asks:
                 Has man ever known a point of time when he was not
                 something remembered? We created man from a mingled
                 drop to test him, and made him able to hear and see. We
                 guided him on the Way, whether he is thankful or unthank-
                 ful. (Surat al-Insan, 76:1-3)
                 On the other hand, those who use their intellect wonder who
            created them, who is responsible for the infinite blessings that they
            could never have attained on their own, and who has enabled them

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