Page 114 - Names of Allah
P. 114

                                   A AL-LATEEF
                              The Gentle, The Subtle
                 Allah is very gentle with His servants. He provides for any-
                 one He wills. He is the Most Strong, the Almighty. (Surat ash-
                 Shura, 42:19)

                 As mentioned earlier, there are two kinds of people: those who
            submit to Allah and those who rebel against Him. Among humanity,
            He made a very few of them truly submissive to Him. In many
            verses, Allah relates that the majority of people will not have faith
            and will not attain the straight path. These people deserve Hell, for
            they adhered to Satan’s path, failed to remember Allah, and denied
            His existence despite their own certainty. People who submit them-
            selves to Allah and live for His good pleasure, on the other hand,
            lead a beautiful life both in this life and beyond. No doubt, Allah’s
            sending His Messengers and Books in order to guide humanity is
            one of His favors. In the Qur’an, Allah’s kindness to believers is
            stated, as follows:
                 Allah showed great kindness to the believers when He sent
                 a Messenger to them from among themselves to recite His
                 Signs to them, purify them, and teach them the Book and
                 Wisdom, even though before that they were clearly mis-
                 guided. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 3:164)
                 Allah, Who is Gentle, also shows His kindness to His faithful
            servants by helping them. In the Qur’an, He gives many examples of
            His help and support to His sincere servants. One of these concerns
            Prophet Musa’s (as) people, who were saved from Pharaoh’s vio-
            lence and made inheritors of the land. This fact is related in the fol-

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