Page 118 - Names of Allah
P. 118



                        M MALIK YAWM AD-DEEN
                       The King of the Day of Judgment
                 The King of the Day of Judgment… (Surat al-Fatiha, 1:3)
                 On the Day of Judgment, people will be resurrected and gath-
            ered together to account for their deeds. On that Day, they will have
            neither the will nor the opportunity to pay attention to the people
            around them, whether they are their parents, spouses, or children.
            Due to this Day’s fearsome nature, everyone will pay attention only
            to themselves, for:
                 What will convey to you what the Day of Judgment is?
                 Again! What will convey to you what the Day of Judgment
                 is? It is the Day when a self will have no power to help any
                 other self in any way. The command that Day will be
                 Allah’s alone. (Surat al-Infitar, 82:17-19)
                 On that Day, anything to which a person attaches too much at-
            tention will be reduced to insignificance. From then on, any mun-
            dane relation or kinship will lose all importance, for the only value
            that will remain is one’s faith in Allah. No one will be able to help
            another person, for only Allah, if He wills, can save a person from
            this detrimental situation.
                 Each of us will be alone before Allah’s presence, the Owner of
            the Day of Judgment, just as we were alone when we were first cre-
            ated. Each of our deeds and thoughts will be displayed on the Day
            of Judgment, for He never forgets any detail, no matter how small.
            Allah creates a setting that befits His Honor and calls His servants to
            account. However, He saves anyone He wills through His mercy.
                 On this Day, when unbelievers will be overwhelmed by a

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