Page 120 - Names of Allah
P. 120


                              M MALIK AL-MULK
                           The Master of the Kingdom
                 Say: “O Allah! Master of the Kingdom! You give sover-
                 eignty to whoever You will and take sovereignty from who-
                 ever  You will.  You exalt whoever  You will and abase
                 whoever You will. All good is in Your hands. You have power
                 over all things.” (Surah Al ‘Imran, 3:26)
                 When you look around, everything that you see has an owner.
            The chair on which you sit is made up atoms, each one of which was
            created by Allah. A flower grows by combining such favorable cir-
            cumstances as sunlight, water, and so on, all of which are granted by
            Allah. The sea lying beyond your window and all its inhabitants
            exist only because Allah wills them to exist.
                 Even your body is under the sway of Allah, Who created you.
            All of your organs and veins, as well as your nervous system and
            cells, are works of our Lord’s superior wisdom and intelligence.
            None of the things were desired by you and then brought into exis-
            tence by you. Once you opened your eyes to this world, you saw
            both the flawless system in your body and in the universe.
            However, you did not have any of them before, and you could not
            have acquired them through your own will in the latter part of your
            life. This fact surely holds true for all human beings. This being the
            case, Allah is the Lord and Creator of everything.
                 Despite this obvious fact, some people disregard all of these
            and, ignoring Allah’s clear existence, assume that they own all of
            these things. Despite all of our weaknesses, along with their feelings
            of superiority, they grow arrogant and attempt to deny our Creator.

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