Page 122 - Names of Allah
P. 122

                                   A AL-MAJEED
                              The Most Glorious One
                 The Possessor of the Throne, the All-Glorious. (Surat al-Buruj,

                 Allah’s glory manifests itself in every corner of the universe. All
            people recognize Allah’s Highness, even those who deny Him or say:
            “We disbelieve,” are, in actuality, well aware of His power and glory,
            for they witness His creation all around them. However, due to their
            arrogance, they do not believe.
                 The universe’s glorious beauties and flawless systems also befit
            His glory. Clouds that carry tons of water in the sky, stars that are mil-
            lions of light years away from us, waterfalls that fall with an enormous
            noise and intensity, unbounded oceans, mountains with snowy sum-
            mits extending high into the sky, woods that are inhabited by living
            beings of countless colors, and noises are only a few of the beauties
            created by Allah.
                 An earthquake that razes a region in a few seconds, a volcanic
            eruption burying a city under a storm of hot lava, a hurricane causing
            extensive damage to the region it strikes, a devastating flood, a fatal
            lightning flash, a hurricane raging over cities, a flood ravaging popu-
            lated areas, or a tornado sweeping away homes also are signs of
            Allah’s power. These are only a very few signs showing Allah’s power.
            As the Qur’an states:
                 He—exalted be the Majesty of our Lord!—has neither wife
                 nor son. (Surat al-Jinn, 72:3)
                 They said: “Are you astonished at Allah’s command? May
                 Allah’s mercy and His blessings be upon you, People of the
                 House! He is Praiseworthy, All-Glorious.” (Surah Hud, 11:73)
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