Page 14 - The Transitional Form Dilemma
P. 14
ond half of the 20 century onward,
however, the privileged position that the
theory of evolution had enjoyed among the
scientific community became increasingly
problematic. Observations and experi-
ments in a wide range of scientific disci-
plines, from paleontology to biology and from
anatomy to genetics, began to produce findings
that argued against the theory. In the face of these new
scientific findings, evolutionists suddenly found them-
selves and their theory on the defensive. By the begin-
ning of the 21 century, the theory of evolution had
become the subject of wide debates the world over. To a
large extent, it had lost its former prestige and in many quarters was
expected to collapse at any time soon. Between the lines, world-
renowned scientific magazines such as Nature, New Scientist,
Science and Scientific American began publishing frequent doubts about
the theory of evolution.
What, then, were these find-
ings which led to the sudden un-
dermining of the theory of
evolution? These can be grouped
under three main categories:
1. Increasingly, biologists have
discovered that living organisms con-
sist of exceedingly complex structures.
It has been shown that proteins,
Scientific discoveries from the second
half of the 20 century began preparing
the collapse of the theory of evolution.