Page 39 - The Transitional Form Dilemma
P. 39
brain. All the vertebrae of the backbones of creatures portrayed as
man’s alleged ancestors are exceedingly regular. The oldest known ver-
tebrates, fish from the Cambrian Period, and all the fish and land verte-
brates which appeared after them possess regular spinal structures,
unique to their body’s shape. There are no transitional forms between
any of them.
Again according to the theory of evolution, chance must have pro-
duced hundreds of thousands of transitional forms until arriving at
these perfectly formed vertebrae. Until the curved S shape was reached
in humans, for instance, there must have been a great many transitional
forms, until the point was reached when the backbone would not im-
pact the skull bone. The 33 components of the human backbone could
not have come into being suddenly, but would be built stage by stage
over thousands of generations. This incremental development, of
BACKBONE FORMS (picture: 1-3) 3
The real human backbone is ex-
ceedingly regular and possesses
the ideal flexible design to keep
the body upright. No trace is to
be found of transitional-form ACTUAL
backbones that evolutionists
claim must have existed.
(picture: 4)