Page 41 - The Transitional Form Dilemma
P. 41


              structures. There are no half-formed or missing features in their skulls,
              backbones, hands or feet. All living things exist in their most perfect
                          There are no fossilized forerunners to dragonflies, owls,
                       fish or squirrels, for instance, in the Earth’s strata. There are
                       no strange fossils vaguely reminiscent of a dragonfly, slightly

                                                    Archaeopteryx, shown on the left,
                                                     is claimed by evolutionists to be
                                                            a transitional form, but
                                                            has actually been
                                                             proved to be a fully
                                                             flying bird.

                                               The living things that evolutionists
                                               maintain represent transitional forms
                                               are actually species with complete
                                                 and flawless structures. They have
                                                   no transitional characteristics

                                                     The “living fossil” coelacanth, still
                                                     alive today, is a fully formed fish.

             A 150-million-year-old Archaeopteryx fossil   A 410-million-year-old coelacanth fossil

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