Page 20 - Taking the Qur'an as a Guide
P. 20


            with better guidance than what you found your fathers
            following?" They say: "We reject what you have been
            sent with." (Surat az-Zukhruf: 23-24)
            This stance only hinders people from embracing Islam and
          having faith in Allah. For instance, Pharaoh and the chiefs of
          his people said: "Have you come to us to turn us from what
          we found our fathers doing, and to gain greatness in the
          land? We do not believe you" (Surah Yusuf: 78), when Prophet
          Musa (as) and his brother Prophet Harun (as) called them to
          worship Allah and subject themselves to Him.
            In the same manner, the people of Prophet Shu'ayb (as)
          asked: "Shu'ayb, do your prayers instruct you that we should
          abandon what our fathers worshipped or stop doing what-
          ever we want to with our wealth?" (Surah Hud: 87), and then
          rebelled.  As these verses maintain, people summoned to
          Allah's path by the Prophets always reply: "Your argument
          disagrees with the path that our fathers and forefathers fol-
            At all times, people reacted to the Prophets' guidance with
          enmity and rebellion, and insisted upon their own stance. Yet,
          all Prophets summoned people to worship  Allah, submit
          themselves to Him, follow His religion sincerely, and to wor-
          ship Him alone by seeking only His good pleasure.
            Our Prophet (saas) also summoned people to submit to
          Allah alone and to comply with His commands. The Qur'an
          tells us that on the Day of Judgment, people will be held ac-
          countable for obeying or disobeying Allah's commands. In the
          Qur'an, Allah warns those who take deities other than Himself
          and fabricate a new and distorted religion based upon their

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