Page 25 - Taking the Qur'an as a Guide
P. 25
Those Who Judge on Allah's Behalf
Some communities who do not embrace Allah's just religion
and insist upon their inherited beliefs even go so far as to slan-
der Allah. Since they neither employ their wisdom and con-
science nor appreciate the extent of Allah's knowledge, they
remain bereft of any understanding that will guide them to the
truth. And so they invent many beliefs that are incompatible
with the Qur'an and lead ignorant people in the ways of injus-
tice. They make what is lawful unlawful and vice versa, and
make ungrounded accusations, as we read in the following
They say: "These animals and crops are sacrosanct. No
one may eat them except those we wish," – as they allege
– and animals on whose backs it is forbidden to ride,
and animals over which they do not mention Allah's
name, inventing falsehood against Him. He will repay
them for the things they have invented. They say: "What
is in the wombs of these animals is exclusively for our
men and unlawful for our wives. But if it is stillborn,
they can share in it." He (Allah) will repay them for their
false depiction. He is All-Wise, All-Knowing. Those
who kill their children foolishly without any knowl-
edge and make what Allah has provided for them un-
lawful, inventing lies against Allah, such people are
lost. They are misled. They are not guided. (Surat al-
An'am: 138-140)
Therefore, those who engage in such activities are informed
of how they will be punished in the Hereafter and of the fact
that they cannot avoid it. In Surat al-An'am, Allah gives the fol-
lowing example regarding the cruelty that these people com-