Page 28 - Taking the Qur'an as a Guide
P. 28


            They are surprised that a Warner should come to them
            from among themselves. The unbelievers say: "This is a
            lying magician. Has he turned all the gods into One
            Allah? That is truly astonishing!" Their leaders went off
            saying: "Carry on as you are! Hold fast to your gods.
            This is clearly something planned. We have not heard of
            this in the old religion. This is merely something con-
            trived. Has the Reminder been sent down to him out of
            all of us?" They are in doubt about My Reminder. They
            have yet to taste My punishment. (Surah Sad: 4-8)
            Such people generally assert they act so in the name of reli-
          gion, for they are not knowledgeable about Islam. Those who
          disregard Allah's judgments or change them because they con-
          flict with their personal interests disrespect  Allah and His
          Book. Such people fail to appreciate that our Lord, Who cre-
          ated everything from nothing, can do anything He wills, that
          His Knowledge encompasses everything, and that He knows a
          person's secrets and what is even more concealed. Their
          "knowledge," however, is limited to prejudice and supersti-
            Allah shows His True Path in the Qur'an:
            Follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord –
            there is no god but Him – and turn away from the idol-
            aters. (Surat al-An'am: 106)

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