Page 33 - Taking the Qur'an as a Guide
P. 33

                     TO ALL THE WORLDS

                                It (the Qur'an) is simply a reminder to
                                        all the worlds. (Surah Sad: 87)

                    he judgments of the Qur'an, a unique Book of wis-
                    dom that  Allah sent as a reminder to all the
           T worlds, will apply until the Day of Judgment.
         However, some insincere people who make up excuses not to
         comply with its judgments unjustly assert that the Qur'an ad-
         dresses only a certain period and only the Arab society of that
         time.  According to their shallow outlook, some of its judg-
         ments can be ignored.
           Given that the Qur'an is beyond all time and place, it is a re-
         minder to all people about their eternal life and calls them to
         the right path. As we read: "It is certainly a reminder to you
         and to your people, and you will be questioned" (Surat az-
         Zukhruf: 44), and therefore people will be called to account for
         their deeds in the Hereafter.
           With its unique and superior wisdom, the information it
         conveys about the past and future, as well as its style, which re-

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