Page 35 - Taking the Qur'an as a Guide
P. 35

The Qur'an is a Reminder to All the Worlds

           It shows its exalted, beautiful, and original style, which no one
           can imitate, although it pleases everyone. The passage of time
           does not cause its style to age; it always remains fresh and new.
           Its prose and word-order are so well-ordered that it is both ele-
           vated and pleasant. To soothsayers and other diviners of the
           Unseen, it displays its miraculousness in its extraordinary re-
           ports concerning the Unseen. To historians, it demonstrates its
           miraculousness by giving information concerning events of
           past ages, as well as those of the future, and of the Intermediate
           Realm, and of the Hereafter. To social and political scientists, it
           shows the miraculousness in its sacred principles... To those oc-
           cupied with knowledge of Allah and cosmic truths, it shows the
           miraculousness of the sacred Divine truths in the Qur'an, or
           else it indicates the existence of that miraculousness. To the
           Sufis and saints, it shows the miraculousness in the hidden
           mysteries of its verses, which constantly rise and fall like waves
           in the sea of the Qur'an. And so on. To each of forty classes of
           men, it opens up a window and shows its miraculousness. The
           ordinary people even, who only listen to the Qur'an under-
           standing a little of its meaning, confirm that it does not resem-
           ble any other book. (Nursi, "The 19th Letter")
           The primary responsibility of every person is to serve Allah.
         Only turning to  Allah with a sincere heart and taking the
         Qur'an as a guide makes this possible. Every person must as-
         sume this responsibility and firmly embrace the Qur'an. In
         Surat al-Hashr, Allah relates the Qur'an's superiority and ex-
         plains what a great responsibility it is to adopt the Qur'an as a
           If We Had sent down this Qur'an onto a mountain, you

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