Page 34 - Taking the Qur'an as a Guide
P. 34
moves forgetfulness and customary behavior, the Qur'an is a
matchless Book. This unique feature applies to all people who
have been created since its revelation and who will be created
until the Day of Judgment.
The following quotation from Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
states that the Qur'an's wisdom is eternal:
The people of truth and the exacting scholars. They say: "The
Qur'an is an unending, inexhaustible treasury. In addition to
submitting to and accepting its established and incontestable
matters, each age also receives its share of its hidden truths, in
the form of a supplement; it cannot trespass on the share of an-
other which is concealed." (Ibid., "The 29th Letter")
Bediuzzaman, who also mentioned the Qur'an's impact on
people, describes this impact as follows:
This is the Qur'an's youth. It preserves its freshness and youth
every age as though newly revealed. In fact, the Qur'an has to
have perpetual youth since, as a pre-eternal address, it addresses
at once all the levels of mankind in every age. (Bediuzzaman
Said Nursi, The Risale-i Nur Collection, "The Words: The
25th Word")
The rulings and laws of the Qur'an are so firm and well-
founded that they increase in strength as the centuries pass.
Bediuzzaman states further that the Qur'an is a matchless
Book that cannot be replaced by any other book:
The Qur'an by no means has – nor can have – any equal.
Absolutely nothing can take the place of this greatest miracle.
(Ibid., "The 13th Word" )