Page 27 - Taking the Qur'an as a Guide
P. 27
Those Who Judge on Allah's Behalf
the only guide and resource that humanity needs:
I have left with you that which, as long as you uphold it, shall
never let you stray after me: Allah's Book, a Rope extending
from heavens to Earth, and my Ahl al--Bayt. (Tirmidhi)
The Qur'an addresses people of all times. For this reason, its
statements that only Allah judges and that those who claim to
judge on His behalf are doomed deserve deep thinking. The
Qur'an provides a detailed account of past people's false man-
made religions and beliefs. In our own day, some people for-
mulate flawed judgments and irrational reasoning on behalf of
religion, since they do not adhere to the Divine guidance of the
Qur'an and the Sunna of our Prophet (saas). Instead, they tend
to base their judgments upon what they hear or see. For exam-
ple, many people lie in their daily conversations, even though
the Qur'an states that such a practice is a sin that will be pun-
ished in the Hereafter. Alternatively, they conclude that "white
lies" are forgivable. But this is a great delusion, for Allah pro-
claims any type of lie to be a sin.
Or, someone who urges people to actions that displease
Allah may unjustly claim to bear the responsibility for the re-
sulting sin. Yet Allah makes clear that this is not possible: "No
burden-bearer can bear another's burden." (Surah Fatir: 18)
Consequently, those who claim to live by Allah's judgments
must comply with this command and avoid any belief or atti-
tude that contradicts the Qur'an and the Sunna of our Prophet
(saas). Furthermore, the Qur'an informs us that those who ad-
here to their own fabricated religion and abandon Allah's reve-
lation also accuse His Messengers of distorting the religion and
being liars. One verse reads as follows: