Page 54 - Taking the Qur'an as a Guide
P. 54
Munificent, the Name of All-Compassionate in the sign of (that
is, in the meaning of) All-Forgiving, the Name of Resurrector in
the sign of Inheritor, the Name of Giver of Life in the sign of
Bountiful, and the Name of Sustainer rose in the sign of Owner.
They gilded and filled with light many worlds within the world of
humanity. Opening up windows onto the luminous world of the
hereafter, they scattered lights over the dark human world.
(Nursi, "The Letters: The 29th Letter")
Allah endowed humanity with a nature that never finds
peace and tranquility in a non-Islamic system. Underlying the
difference between believers and unbelievers, this quality of the
believers becomes more apparent in the Hereafter. People who
do not comply with the Qur'an are depressed, while people of
faith experience great joy:
When that Day (of Judgment) comes, no self will speak
except by His permission. Some of them will be wretched
and others glad. (Surah Hud: 105)