Page 56 - Taking the Qur'an as a Guide
P. 56
me so that I may warn you by it, and anyone else it reaches"
(Surat al-An'am: 19), our Prophet (saas) assumed the responsi-
bility of warning everyone he could reach. In another verse,
Allah states that He revealed the Qur'an to our Prophet (saas) so
that he could warn people:
Accordingly We have revealed to you an Arabic Qur'an so
that you may warn the Mother of Cities and those around
it, and give warning of the Day of Gathering, about which
there is no doubt: one group in the Garden, the other in
the Blazing Fire. (Surat ash-Shura: 7)
As the verses maintain, in the Qur'an Allah describes the mo-
ment of death, how angels will remove the deceased person's
soul, how humanity will be gathered together, how the reckon-
ing will take place, events related to the Day of Judgment, how
people will be driven to Hell in companies after the reckoning,
what each soul will experience on that day, eternal torment in
Hell, the spiritual and material torment and pain that its inhabi-
tants will suffer there as well as the unprecedented beauty of the
blessings in Paradise, and warns people about the Day of
Indeed, many verses describe how the people in Hell talk to
each other, their social life, and how they will continue to argue
despite all of their suffering. Some verses even mention their ar-
guments, as follows:
Warn mankind of the Day when the punishment will
reach them. Those who did wrong will say: "Our Lord, re-
prieve us for a short time. We will respond to Your call
and follow the Messengers." (It will be said to them) "But