Page 61 - Taking the Qur'an as a Guide
P. 61
Musl›ms Fully Live by the Qur'an's Values
Islam base their entire lives upon earning people's consent.
Their philosophy of life, principles, and viewpoints contradict
the Qur'an. Failing to adhere to the Qur'an and the Sunna of
our Prophet (saas) as a guide, they formulate rituals, customs,
and forms of worship that do not agree with Islamic morality.
As Prophet Shu'ayb (as) told his people, rather than observ-
ing Allah's commands, such people adhere to all forms of un-
just beliefs and rules as if they were divine judgments: "You
have made Him (Allah) into something to cast disdainfully
behind your backs!" (Surah Hud: 92). Even if they see the
truth in the Qur'an, they cannot abandon their unjust beliefs.
Their understanding of what is lawful and unlawful varies ac-
cording to their distorted rationale and thoughts, their soci-
ety's value judgments, and what they inherit from their
predecessors. They respect people's opinions rather than the
Qur'an's judgments.
The worldview of such people is stated in the Qur'an as fol-
lows: "We found our fathers following a religion, and we are
simply following in their footsteps" (Surat az-Zukhruf: 23).
The Qur'an, the immutable Word of Allah, conveys the only
way to salvation both in this world and the next. Meanwhile,
the moral excellence displayed by our Prophet (saas) sets an
example for believers.