Page 112 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 112
The Tavistock Institute
The Tavistock Clinic was founded in
1921 by John Rawlings Rees, a medical of-
ficer in the Royal Army Medical Corps.
The Tavistock Clinic, which operated as a
psychological warfare organization during
WWII, was reconstructed and enlarged in
1946 with funding from the Rockefeller
Foundation, and initiated as the Tavistock
Institute. Rockefeller assigned Tavistock the
duty of carrying out and implementing
wide-scale war researches. The main area
of practice, though in various locations
around the world, was in the US. The in-
stitute and its works continue to be the best-kept secret of the US.
The Tavistock Institute is particularly inspired by the famous psychoan-
alyst Sigmund Freud's research on 'controlling human behavior'. The institute
sought to control human behavior and shape the communities in line with
their interests. This was planned as a method to take the society under control
by use of psychological means.
Today the institute has a wide cooperation network including the Uni-
versity of Sussex, Stanford Research Institute, Esalen Institute, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT), Hudson Institute, the Heritage Foundation,
Center for Strategic and International Studies of Georgetown University
(CSIS), Air Force Intelligence, the RAND Corporation, the MITRE Corpo-
ration, the Mont Pèlerin Society, the Trilateral Commission, the Ditchley
Foundation and the Club of Rome. All OSS (Office of Strategic Services) and
CIA programs are developed under the supervision of Tavistock Institute.
Today Tavistock Institute operates a 6 billion US dollar per year network
of foundations in the United States and describes its strategic mission as
transformation from industrial nation-states to a post-industrial global world
state and transferring the rule to a few oligarchs. In plain words, the purpose
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed