Page 115 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 115
Adnan Harun Yahya
Conditions to becoming a member of Skull and Bones are represented
with the phrase WASP, which stands for: W=White, AS=Anglo-Saxon and
P=Protestant. In other words, Anglo-Saxon origins and Protestant faith are
requirements of membership. Leaders take care that new members have been
Anglo-Saxons and Protestant for the past 6 to 7 generations. In other words,
their origins must be in England and people from other origins and faiths are
not admitted.
This institution is also working for the so-called idea of the single world
religion. Therefore, the Protestant faith is only a pretense to guarantee An-
glo-Saxon origins, because as with other similar organizations, this group is
not religious and, on the contrary, seeks to spread atheism.
No one has access to the members list, including the university adminis-
tration. Only 15 people are admitted to this group every year and these people
are later brought to key positions in the country. The families and friends of
the members also benefit from this membership. Admission is possible only
by invitation and inauguration is very similar to that of the Masonic organi-
zations. Their rites are secret and no information can be leaked outside.
The Skull and
Bones emblem con-
sists of a skull and
crossbones. The
number 322 de-
notes the Lamian
War, which took
place in 322 BC.