Page 197 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 197
Adnan Harun Yahya
was already a secret deal between Sharif Hussein and McMahon, the British
High Commissioner in Egypt. Strangely enough, the British were also se-
cretly talking to Hussein's rival, Suud, the Emir of Wahhabis. As the British
deep state was pursuing its agenda with multiple back up plans, France saw
that it was being slowly left out of the game. This is why it pressured Britain
to accept the Sykes-Picot Agree-
ment: so that the lands could be
shared equally.
Lebanon was placed under French man-
date with the Sykes-Picot Agreement.
(Bottom) The French army entering
Beirut after the agreement
(Left) A caricature depicting how Sykes-
Picot Agreement dismembered the Ot-
toman Empire