Page 195 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 195
Adnan Harun Yahya
fight near Ctesiphon and instead chose to rebel against the British en
masse. 2
However the biggest Indian revolt against the British took place in Singa-
pore. Refusing to fight the Ottoman Muslims with the British, Indian Mus-
lims started a riot on February 15, 1915 in the 5 Light Infantry Regiment
that consisted of Pashtun, Moghul and Rajput Muslims. Muslim soldiers
didn't want to be taken to Europe under the British flag and forced to fight
against Ottoman soldiers. However, the riot proved ineffective, as the of-
ficer in charge wasn't experienced. As a result, the British colonial admin-
istration in Singapore clamped down on the rioters with the support of
their French and Japanese allies in the region. A 'court-martial' was set up
which gave its verdict with shocking speed. In the end, half of the Muslim
regiment, which included 850 troops and more than 200 officers, were ex-
ecuted either by a firing squad or by hanging. The rest were either sen-
tenced to penal servitude or dispatched to Cameroon and German East
Africa to fight the Germans. In 1917, these units were forced to fight the
Ottomans in Aden together with the Malay States Guides, who were known
with their pro-Turkish stance. This grim incident alone is enough to show
how the British deep state doesn't refrain from using force to make Mus-
lims fight each other. Brave Indian soldiers who didn't want to fight Mus-
lims preferred martyrdom rather than commit such treachery. 3
At this point, it is important to note that many historical details have been
carefully covered up by the British deep state. It is known that during
WWI, many Muslims that were subordinated to the Caliph refused to fight
the Turks and accepted martyrdom instead. However, the documents avail-
able today pertaining to those days are usually limited to the British
sources. Therefore, riots against the British that took place during those
days were carefully hidden in an attempt to erase the memory of Muslims'
alliance and brotherhood.
1. "İngiliz General'in Kut Anıları" (British General's Memories of Kut), Al-Jazeera,
2. İsmet Üzen, "Türklerin Kut'ül Amare Kuşatması Sırasında İngiliz Ordusunda Bulunan Hintli
Askerlerin Tutumu (December 1915 - April 1916)" (The Behavior of Indian Soldiers within the
British Army during the Turks' Kut Al Amara Siege), Akademik Bakış Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 3,
2008, p. 81
3. Emre Gül, "Hintli Askerler Singapur'da Osmanlı İçin İsyan Etmişti" (Indian Soldiers Revolted
in Singapore in favor of the Ottoman), Dünya Bulletin, July 25, 2014