Page 212 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 212
To put things into perspective, during the reign of Sultan Suleiman the
Magnificent, the budget of the province of Sivas alone was 20 million gold
coins, while France had a total budget of only 4 million and England 6 mil-
lion. Despite its impressive wealth, after the concessions granted to the British,
Ottoman began to suffer great losses and by the 19th century its financial sys-
tem had hit a major roadblock. The privileges given to the British citizens
reached their peak with the Treaty of Balta Liman. Interestingly enough, Sul-
tan Mahmud II signed this treaty at his deathbed, at the instigation of the an-
glophile Mustafa Reşid Pasha, who was the Minister for Foreign Affairs at the
Twenty years later, the Crimean War broke out and though seemingly
being among the victors, the war had devastating results for the Ottomans.
When the British deep state-controlled Ottoman Public Debt Administration
was founded during the rule of Sultan Abdul Hamid II, the Empire came un-
der the complete financial control of the European powers and lost its eco-
nomic independence.
A painting that depicts the inva-
sion of Nicopolis by Russian
forces during the Russo-Turkish
War (1877-1878)
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed