Page 216 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 216

How the British Deep State Used Religion

                          When Queen Elizabeth I of England

                          wrote a letter to the Ottoman Sultan
                          regarding capitulations, she was

                          aware that she was correspond-

                          ing with the Caliph of the
                          Muslims. Therefore, she

                          made sure to distance herself
                          from Catholic Europe and

                          declared that she 'wor-

                          shipped the true God, Who
                          punished       idolatry'    and

                          claimed that she was the arch-

                          enemy of the Catholics whom
                          she viewed as 'pagans'.

                          Even though the Queen and the British

                          envoys claimed in the letter that they were          Queen Elizabeth I of
                          close to Muslims, that closeness was nothing

                          but an act. In their personal letters sent to Lon-
                          don, the ambassadors described Islam as an evil and barbarous re-

                          ligion (the glorious religion of Islam is above such claims). Their

                          Muslim-friendly attitude was only a lie told in the name of God
                          and, in their letters, they wrote they believed God would forgive

                          them for those lies.

                          This fake friendly attitude of the British deep state towards Mus-
                          lims continued for 450 years and persists even today. Sayyeed Ab-

                          dulhakim Arvasi, an Islamic scholar who lived in late Ottoman
                          period, eloquently explained this aversion to Muslims:

           Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
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