Page 22 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 22
What Sort of Deep Power?
D eep states are covert systems established by lawless groups that in-
filtrate state systems and take control of governments. Resisting
change sometimes through violence and sometimes through prop-
aganda, these institutions pursue their own agendas and do not answer to
legal authorities. They act above the laws and legal state institutions because
they use force and intimidation to achieve their goals and more importantly,
they are protected by strong and deeply rooted mafia organizations. This is
how they maintain their presence and influence in many countries. They
build empires of fear to control legal administrations. No matter how inde-
pendent the existing presidents and political systems of the countries might
seem, due to the imposition they are subjected to, they usually must operate
under the close scrutiny of these deep structures. These leaders' decisions, no
matter how reasonable and conscientious they may be, can be easily overruled
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed