Page 27 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 27
Adnan Harun Yahya
To attain these goals, the British deep state works in liaison with the re-
spective deep structures of the targeted countries and employs various meth-
ods to give its members the ability to infiltrate deep into the society. They
have certain methods they use to achieve this goal, the most common of
which include sending people to the countries they target in the capacity of
ambassadors, government representatives, officers, soldiers or journalists, all
for the purpose of creating an effective intelligence system. Throughout his-
tory, they have installed spies in the states that they planned to bring down,
including the Ottoman Empire, and slyly furthered their agenda. They also
formed dirty alliances with various circles in the targeted countries and carried
out wide-scale efforts to this end. They deliberately sought out unqualified,
greedy people with sycophantic tendencies, who particularly admired the
British culture. The spying activities of these people set the stage for many
destructive projects planned by a formidable power like the British deep state.
Today, the situation hasn't changed. Even though the United States of America
seems to be the super power, it has actually been under the influence of the
British deep state for a very long time and still seems to be so. The insidious
plans of the British deep state are particularly evident in the Middle East and
Africa as the volatility of the situation in the region increases. Though there
appears to be other players in the background, the deep plan that seeks to
completely disintegrate the Middle East to create small countries that are open
to exploitation has always belonged to the British deep state.
The British deep state, as a part of its domination plan, used colonialism
as a primary method. Acting with the premise of racial superiority, it applied
colonization like never seen before in the history of the world. It played a sig-
nificant role in the colonization of Africa, as the companies built by British
merchants organized activities to further this goal. These companies acquired
large territories in the respective countries, which in time gave them a position
of influence capable of starting wars and making peace as the regional coun-
tries came completely under their control. After being vested with extensive
authorities by the administrations of those countries, they became almost in-
dividual states themselves.