Page 223 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 223
Adnan Harun Yahya
(History of Creation), he was talking about the so-called 'new levels of change
that the universe would achieve in the future as a result of the rule of evolu-
tion that dominated the entire universe and existence'. 116
Hasan Tahsini famously tried to explain the origin of the universe and
the creation of man as well as other life forms through the theory of evolu-
tion in his book Varoluşun Tarihi veya Yaratılış (History of Being or Cre-
ation). He also worked vehemently to spread the Darwinist theory. His
staunch devotion to the materialist theory earned him the nickname 'Mon-
sieur Tahsini'. He brought Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, an evolutionist Al-Azhar
graduate, to Istanbul and allowed him to carry out evolutionist propaganda
at Istanbul University. Afghani was another fervent supporter of al-Jisr's book.
Hasan Tahsini raised many students before he was dismissed from his duty
on the grounds of 'impairing the faith of the young people he taught'. How-
ever, many of his students now were materialists, were already working across
Hasan Tahsini, the first rector of
Darülfünûn, established by Abdul
Hamid II and considered as the begin-
ning of the University of Istanbul, was
one of the first Darwinists. His book is
an example of Darwinist propaganda.