Page 258 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 258

(Bottom left) Famous American cigarette brand Ateshian used the
                     following slogan in its advertisements: 'The cigarret smoked by His
                     Imperial Majesty Abdul Hamid II, Sultan of Turkey'.

                                                                                       (Left) A cigarette
                                                                                       from the Abdul
                                                                                       Hamid II era
                                                                                       (Bottom) Ciga-
                                                                                       rette paper from
                                                                                       Ottoman times

                         The British brought [tobacco] to the Ottoman Empire around 1900 [1600 in

                         Gregorian calendar] and sold it with the claim that it could heal some ail-
                         ments. Some pleasure-seeker friends became addicts. However, in time, even
                         those people who weren't pleasure-seekers started to consume it. Even many

                         great scholars and statesmen got addicted to smoking… Coffee houses were
                         thick with smoke because all the wasted people and womanizers were there

                         chain-smoking. Even on the streets and marketplaces, they were smoking.  129

                         As one can see, it was the British deep state that first introduced tobac-

                     co and spread its use in the Ottoman Empire. The members of the deep state
                     made the people addicted to this poison with lies that it would help cure ail-
                     ments. When the rule of Abdul Hamid II started, another step was made that

                     would help the British deep state. Abdul Hamid II transferred the tobacco rev-

                     enues to the 'Régie Company', owned by French and British for 30 years,

           Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
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