Page 260 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 260
4. Military Coups and Territorial Losses
Many of the military coups that took place in the past 200 years bear the
hidden marks of British deep state intervention. This dark structure changes
administrations by means of coups, which it considers a quick, cheap and
covert way to further its policies.
Coup plotters are arrogant and usually impressionable people who are not
held to account for their actions. They fall for the games of the British deep
state for their personal petty gains. They never deserve the positions they gain
through coups, as it is only violence and guns and definitely not their knowl-
edge, talents, expertise or experience that brings them to such positions. As
such administrations are only transitional regimes, the true names behind the
decisions made during those times remain usually unknown and the corrup-
tion and problems are usually blamed on a few. This way, the true perpetra-
tors, most notably the British deep state, are kept away from public eyes.
This was the case with the Ottoman Empire too. When her fall began, she
was in possession of an impres-
sive 500-year-old experience in
running an empire. She had
powerful, well-functioning sys-
tems in the military, the econo-
my, and education, among oth-
er aspects of life. For this rea-
son, the British deep state was
in need of a transitional regime
A French magazine that
closely followed all the mili-
tary coups that took place in
the Ottoman Empire. The
source of the coup-related
news in Europe was always
the British deep state.
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed