Page 264 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 264

Hüseyin Avni Pasha, the instigator of the murder, went to the Palace to

                     see how his murder plan went. When he saw that Abdülaziz Khan was still
                     alive after the scuffle, he ordered that the Sultan be taken to kitchen of the

                     police station on palace grounds. This is why medical help was delayed for
                     the Sultan, and why he bled to martyrdom.

                         To conceal the traces of a fight, Hüseyin Avni Pasha tore off the curtains
                     in the station and covered the Sultan's body with the exception of his arms.

                     He asked physician Marko Pasha, the director of the Military School of Med-
                     icine, to examine his wrists only and write a report of suicide. However,

                     Marko Pasha declined. Then another military doctor, Colonel Dr. Ömer Bey,
                     was summoned, but when he refused to sign the report as well, his medals

                     were ripped off his uniform on the spot and he was exiled to Libya.

                                                                   Abdülaziz was a strong sultan
                                                                   who would never bow down to
                                                                   the British deep state. This is
                                                                   why the British deep state used
                                                                   some sycophants within the Ot-
                                                                   toman state institutions to de-
                                                                   pose and martyr the Sultan. The
                                                                   bloody outfit of Sultan Abdülaziz
                                                                   is still kept in Topkapı Palace.
                                                                   (Left) Sultan Abdülaziz, a couple
                                                                   of days before he was martyred

           Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
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