Page 319 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 319

Adnan Harun Yahya

                        over to French colonialists. Algeria became the administration center of the

                        French colonies in Africa. Throughout the years, Muslims of North Africa
                        witnessed the horrible face of European imperialism as Muslims were mar-

                        tyred en masse. French rule brought nothing but death to Muslims of Alge-
                        ria. 175,000 Algerians fought for France during WWI, but 40,000 of them nev-

                        er returned. During the Algerian War of Independence, 1,000,000 Muslims
                        lost their lives, while 3,000,000 were imprisoned in camps.

                            However, even after the declaration of independence, the violence in Al-
                        geria didn't end. On the contrary, the country plunged into a bloody civil war

                        at the end of the 20th century, and following a coup against the Islamic Sal-
                        vation Front (FIS) in 1991, 150,000 Muslims were martyred at the hands of

                        other Muslims. The Armed Islamic Group of Algeria (GIA), founded in 1993,
                        began to martyr Algerians of all backgrounds, including FIS-linked Muslims.

                        The British deep state was once again behind GIA, which had a London-
                        based magazine named Al-Ansar, intended to recruit Muslims that could be

                        made guerillas. Britain allowed these activities, lent its support at times, and
                        sometimes helped prepare the setting for such activities.

                              The Favorite Arms Market of the British Deep State: Africa

                              With the world's biggest natural gas reserves and its large fertile lands, Algeria is
                              a blessed country. However, due to the ongoing conflict, a major portion of its
                              revenues is spent on weapons. So much so, Algeria alone accounts for 30% of
                              Africa's arms import, followed by Morocco with 26%. Between 2011 and 2015,
                              Algeria bought 4 warships, 190 tanks, 42 helicopters, 14 aircrafts and 2 sub-
                              marines. And Morocco seems to be the only intended target of this military

                              In truth, the British deep state is once again involved, carrying out sinister plans
                              as always, which usually target Muslims. As a result of these plots, Muslims are
                              brought to a position where they spend their valuable resources on fighting each
                              other. And once again, the only party that truly benefits from the situation is
                              Britain. The British deep state continues today its efforts to exploit Africa, by us-
                              ing its resources and creating conflicts.
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