Page 323 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 323
Adnan Harun Yahya
An example of black propa-
ganda against the Ottoman
Empire. Pictures showing the
Ottoman flag trampled under
feet after the Balkan War.
The situation was not
different in other parts of
the world. Fueled by Dar-
winist ideology and relent-
less propaganda of the
British deep state, Turko-
phobia spread in a world
that was already embroiled
in wars and clashes. Hate-
ful speeches, racist com-
mentaries and books creat-
ed a formidable front
against the Ottoman Em-
pire, particularly in Eu-
rope. British diplomats, most of whom were actually spies, misled the Euro-
pean states with lies that the Ottoman Empire was nothing but 'barbarous
Turks massacring Christians' (Turkish nation is above such remarks).
In the 19 century, the British deep state targeted not only the Ottoman
Empire, but also the religion of Islam. Its provocations included attacks on
our religion because the British deep state considered it crucial to weaken the
Islamic world. As explained before, the biggest fear of the British deep state
has always been an influential Islamic union based on the unconditional al-
liance of Muslims. The said deep powers did everything in their power to pre-
vent such an alliance and targeted the Ottoman Empire to this end. They were
positive that an Islamic Union could well be accomplished by the spiritual
initiative of Turks.