Page 325 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 325
Adnan Harun Yahya
Freeman was in truth a murderous racist who once said the following of
the US:
This [America] would be a grand land if only every
Irishman would kill a negro and be hanged for
it. 161
Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens, a British writer of the
19 century, also contributed to the spread
of Turkophobia. In his 'A Word in Season'
poem that he wrote in 1844, he, in his own
way, accused Turks of mercilessly destroy-
ing God's living image. In his poem, he
claimed that Turks were living in barbarous
ignorance and poverty and for that, they were Charles Dickens
very different from the English nation that built
a high civilization.
Cardinal Newman (John Henry Newman)
Cardinal Newman, of the Catholic Church in England, was one of the
most zealous Turkophobics and Islamophobics. One of his slanders about
Turks was as follows:
…the barbarian power [Turks] which has been for centuries seated in the
very heart of the old world, which has in its brute clutch the most famous
countries of classical and religious antiquity, and many of the most fruitful
and beautiful regions of the earth; … and, which, having no history itself, is
heir to the historical names of Constantinople and Nicaea, Nicomedia and
Caesarea, Jerusalem and Damascus, Nineveh and Babylon, Mecca and Bag-
dad, Antioch and Alexandria, ignorantly holding in possession one-half of the
history of the whole world. (Noble Turkish nation is above such remarks)