Page 329 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 329

Adnan Harun Yahya

                        mosques, Civinis Efendi was later seen as

                        a rich Italian, sailing the Aegean Sea in
                        his yacht, with a new name: 'Comte

                        de Rivoroso'. This conman, with his
                        Greek roots and fluent French,

                        English and Russian, managed to
                        attract a lot of attention and was

                        introduced to Grand Vizier
                        Mustafa Reşid Pasha by Canning.

                        The grand vizier made him a
                        colonel, and made him the head of
                                                                                       Stratford Canning
                        the Ottoman intelligence unit. It
                        should be noted that, at the time, the Ot-

                        toman intelligence service had to operate
                        under the close scrutiny of the British deep state.

                        In a short amount of time, he set up his team and began to spy on the pri-
                        vate lives of famous merchants and pashas and turned the gossips he gath-

                        ered into reports. In other words, a British deep state spy was made the head
                        of the first Ottoman intelligence unit, which was founded by the members of

                        the British deep state in the first place. 166

                            Another British citizen, William Nosworthy Churchill, published the first

                        semi-official newspaper in the Ottoman Empire during the commission of
                        Canning. This free market promoting newspaper, called Ceride-i Havadis

                        (Journal of News), defended policies intended to bring Ottoman finances un-
                        der British control.

                            Canning was made a Privy Council member in 1820, when he was only

                        34. There were even talks of making him the Greek King as a tribute to the
                        active role he played during the Greek uprising. In the Battle of Navarino, in

                        which the Ottoman/Egyptian fleet was set on fire, he ensured the coopera-
                        tion of the British and Russian navies. Prior to the Crimean War of 1851, Can-

                        ning had persuaded the Ottoman officers to decline the peace offer of Rus-
                        sia. British Prime Minister Gladstone dedicated his Bulgarian Horrors and the
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