Page 330 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 330
Question of the East to Canning, where he argued that the Turks should be
driven out of Europe.
Canning went so far as to say that the source of evil in the Ottoman Em-
pire was Islam (our exalted religion is above such remarks). According to Can-
ning, Islam was the basis of injustice and weakness, and the Ottoman Em-
pire had to leave Islam to develop and prosper.
Richard Cobden
English statesman Richard Cobden maintained that it was impossible for
the Ottoman Empire to preserve her independence
and territorial integrity in a speech he gave at the
House of Commons after a visit to Turkey.
He claimed that Britain would be better
off having Christian constituents of the
Empire as her allies, rather than Mus-
lims, whom he claimed were headed
for destruction:
... Mahommedanism (surely the religion
of Islam and our Beloved Prophet (pbuh)
are above such statements) cannot be
Richard Cobden
maintained, and I should be sorry to see this
country fighting for the maintenance of Ma-
hommedanism ... You may keep Turkey on the map
of Europe, you may call the country by the name of Turkey if you like, but do
not think you can keep up the Mahommedan [Islamic] rule in the country. 167
150 years on, contrary to Cobden's expectations, Anatolia is home to
millions of Muslims and the number keeps growing steadily. Calls to prayer
haven't stopped and will never stop. Muslims rush to fill mosques with joy
and faith, destroying the biggest dream of the British deep state, which has
been and always will be impossible. All the current efforts of the British deep
state to achieve this goal will once again come to nothing and these lands,
where Islam is deeply entrenched, will be crowned with a great, peaceful
Union of Islam.
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed