Page 335 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 335
Adnan Harun Yahya
The British Creation of a new Elite class of Secular 'Muslims' to govern
The truth is that, in passing through the European educational mill, the
young Egyptian Moslem loses his Islamism…
But inasmuch as Egyptian society is in a state of flux, the natural result has
been to produce a class of individuals many of whom are, at the same time,
de-moslemised Moslems and invertebrate Europeans.
In dealing with the question of introducing European civilisation into Egypt,
it should never be forgotten that Islam cannot be reformed; that is to say, re-
formed Islam is Islam no longer; it is something else.
Muslims that receive 'British training' looking down on Islam and Islam-
ic scholars
Nominally, the Europeanised Egyptian is in the majority of cases a Moslem.
In reality, he is generally an Agnostic. … a thoughtful European will not only
look with interest at the "Alim" as the representative of an ancient faith,
which contains much that is highly deserving of respect; he will, if the "Alim"
is a worthy specimen of his class, sympathise with him because he is religious,
albeit his religion is not that of Christ. The Europeanised Egyptian, on the
other hand, will often look on the "Alim" with all the pride of an intellectual
parvenu. From the pedestal of his empirical knowledge, he will regard the
"Alim" as a social derelict, who has to be tolerated, and even occasionally,
for political purposes, to be utilised, but who need not be respected.
New 'Muslims' intolerance of Christians
Although the Europeanised Egyptian is no true Moslem, he is often as intoler-
ant, and sometimes even more intolerant of Christianity than the old ortho-
dox Moslem, who has received no European education. He frequently hates
Christians with a bitter hatred, and he does so partly because many of the
Christians with whom he has been brought in contact deserve to be hated,
and partly because the Christian, in his capacity of being a European, is a ri-
val who occupies positions, which the Europeanised Egyptian thinks he
should himself occupy.
1. Abdullah Al Andalusi, "Lord Cromer on the British Colonial Project for Egypt", 23
December 2013,