Page 339 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 339

Adnan Harun Yahya

                              Ottoman Empire huge lands, were published in The Times before
                              the treaty was signed.

                              The Times supported all uprisings in the Ottoman Empire for 100

                              years. In every international problem, it adopted an anti-Turkish,
                              anti-Ottoman stance. Readers will see more of this attitude in the

                              following pages under the heading 'Bulgarian Uprising'.

                              One final note regarding modern developments: Today, The Times
                              is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who received condemnation from

                              the Islamic world following the comment he made after the Char-

                              lie Hebdo attack where he said: "Maybe most Moslems [are] peace-
                              ful, but until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist can-

                              cer they must be held responsible". Furthermore, the advertisement

                              that was penned by journalist Claire Berlinski, notorious for her
                              anti-Turkish stance, during the Gezi incidents was also published

                              in The Times. In this advertisement, Berlinski compared the Turk-
                              ish government and President Erdoğan to Nazis and Hitler, and

                              the 'Respect for National Will rallies' to the Nuremberg Rally or-

                              ganized by the Nazis. (Our respectable government and President
                              Erdoğan are above such remarks).

                             1. "So-called Celebs, Who Signed the Times Gezi Letter Were 'Deceived': PM Erdoğan",
                             Hürriyet Daily News, 26 July 2013,
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