Page 343 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 343
Adnan Harun Yahya
British battleship Irresistable in the Gallipoli campaign. In other words, right
before WWI, the Ottoman navy had been entrusted to two British officers,
who would soon turn against and fight the Ottomans.
Adolphus Slade or the Mushaver Pasha
After serving thirty years in the Royal Navy, Adolphus Slade joined the
Ottoman navy as an admiral. Renamed 'Mushaver' (meaning 'consulting'),
Slade was intricately involved in the Ottoman maritime force. When the Rus-
sians burnt the Ottoman fleet in Sinop during the Crimean War and sank
twelve Ottoman ships, the only surviving ship was the one carrying Slade. As
the Turkish fleet was being attacked, her so-called allies at the time, the French
and British ships stationed in the Bosphorus, just watched.
In his memoir, Slade displayed the shocking hatred he harbored for Turks
and Muslims (Turkish nation and Islamic world are above his remarks). He
claimed that all Ottoman constituents, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, shared
a common trait despite their differences and that was 'a total want of con-
science' and continued, "A pasha slays his confiding guest; a kadi bastinadoes
an innocent man; a banker cheats his patron; a servant robs his master; —all
swearing on the Koran, or on the Talmud, or on the Testament, to their re-
spective faith..." 170
... nowhere, perhaps, has corruption in Turkey been more hideously dis-
played than in the Mekhemés, (courts of law,) where justice is sold to the
highest bidder, and witnesses stand, almost within sight and sound of the
mollah's cushions, ready with their stock in trade—their consciences. 171
Three English line of battle ships and as many frigates, would prove an over-
match for it [the Ottoman naval force]. 172
Baldwin Wake Walker (Yavir Pasha) and Traitor Ahmet Fevzi Pasha
British Baldwin Wake Walker, or Yavir Pasha, joined the Ottoman navy
in 1838 and served for seven years. In 1840, Ahmet Fevzi Pasha, using an in-
significant incident as an excuse, handed over the fleet under his command
to Muhammad Ali of Egypt, who had previously rebelled against the Ot-
toman Empire. For this reason, he has gone down in history as the 'Traitor