Page 346 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 346
The British Deep State and the Caliphate
At the onset of the 17 century, many European states decided to follow in
the footsteps of Portugal and Spain and began pursuing their own imperial-
istic desires. Britain proved the most ambitious.
The readers will recall how Britain had already set up East India Co. in the
1600s as the first step towards British imperialism. The company first direct-
ed its attention to the Indian subcontinent and established numerous trading
posts across the region. After expanding rapidly, it began to build colonies be-
fore eventually taking control of territories.
By the 19 century, Spain and Portugal had begun to lose their colonies and
entered their respective eras of decline. This meant that the South American
countries, once colonies of Spain and Portugal, were now independent, but
also available to British aspirations as open markets. In the meantime, having
successfully completed the Napoleonic Wars in Europe (1800-1815), the
British had gained new lands in the East.
Now, securing the main route to India –the jewel in the crown– was the top
priority on the British imperialistic agenda. When the French completed the
Suez Canal in 1869, the road to India became even shorter but its security be-
came an even more sensitive issue. Britain had begun to build spheres of in-
fluence along the Red Sea and Arabian shores despite Ottoman protests. Fur-
thermore, by promising to supply weapons to the Ottoman Empire should
Russia obtain control of East Anatolia, Britain gained control of Cyprus in
1878, which was a strategically important island much like Gibraltar Strait or
Malta. Similar methods were used by the same deep organization to gain con-
trol of areas in the Far East.
All these developments turned Britain into a massive empire with colonies all
around the world, where millions of Muslims were living, making the control
of this population a critical point for Britain. However, there was a problem:
those Muslims, due to their Islamic identity, were loyal to the Ottoman Caliph,
who was the spiritual and political leader of the world's Muslims. He had the
power to bring millions of Muslims together within a strong alliance with just
one word. For this reason, the biggest threat to the British deep state in its quest
of gaining control over Muslim lands was the Ottoman Empire and the Caliph.
British Deep State Provokes Arabs against the Caliph
Muslims all around the world deeply revered the Ottoman Sultan, who was
their caliph. In the beginning, the British deep state sought to use this loyal-
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed