Page 349 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 349
Adnan Harun Yahya
apart both from the Ottoman Empire and each other. As the following pages
will be covering in more detail, the British deep state has made numerous at-
tempts during and after WWI to make those ambitions come true. Through
their spies disguised as 'archeologists' such as Gertrude Bell, and Lawrence of
Arabia, they carried out this policy and provoked Arab tribes against the Ot-
toman Empire, sometimes offering incentives in form of money and weapons.
Homosexual British spy Lawrence of Arabia explained this fake victory that
he achieved by pitting communities against each other, saying that he creat-
ed an Arab 'brown dominion' within the British Empire by rallying Arabs and
making them rebel against the Turks. 7
Clearly, the true aim has never been an Arab independence or a big Arab
state, because Arabs were always considered by the British deep state as their
colony. Regrettably, the same state of mind still prevails and the insidious
colonial ambitions of the British deep state regarding the Arab countries are
still underway.
However, it must be remembered that the British deep state failed in its plots
against the Caliphate. No matter what it did, the last stop of the Caliphate re-
mained in the Ottoman Empire and when the Empire collapsed, the Caliphate
hadn't been abolished. On the contrary, instead of vesting the power in a sin-
gle person, the Caliphate was entrusted to the Republic and the title is still wait-
ing for its true owner. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk knew very well that in the End
Times, the Mahdi (pbuh) would appear and take over as the spiritual leader
of Muslims at a time of intense conflicts. Mustafa Kemal built the Republic
regime and its institutions based on this knowledge. We know from the ha-
diths of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that the Mahdi (pbuh) will appear
in Istanbul in the current era, put an end to the wars, terror and conflicts and
bring true peace and love to the world.
1. Azmi Özcan, "İngiltere'de Hilafet Tartışmaları 1873 – 1909", İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi (Journal of
Islamic Research), Issue 2, 1998, p. 49
2. Memo by G. P. Badger, "Respecting Turkey and Russia in Their Relations with Arabia and Central
Asia", enc. to Frere to Granville, 26.11.1873, F. O, 424/32
3. Azmi Özcan, Pan-Islamism, Indian Muslims, the Ottomans & Britain (1877-1924), Leiden: Brill,
1997, p. 40
4. Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, The Future of Islam, The Project Gutenberg EBook, 2005, pp. 55, 62
5. Süleyman Kocabaş, Osmanlı İsyanlarında Yabancı Parmağı, Bir İmparatorluk Nasıl Parçalandı?,
(Foreign Intrusion in Ottoman Riots, How An Empire Was Dismembered), Vatan Yayınları, October
1992, p. 96
6. Ibid., pp. 96-97
7. Ibid., p. 102