Page 347 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 347
Adnan Harun Yahya
ty to its advantage. For instance, in a conflict with the Kingdom of Mysore in
South India, Britain asked Ottoman Sultan Selim III to write a letter to Tipu
Sultan of the Kingdom of Mysore to advise him to not fight the British. Se-
lim III indeed wrote this letter in 1798.
When wide-scaled riots broke out in India in 1857 against British occupation,
Britain once again asked for the help of the Sultan. At the same time, this im-
pressive influence of the Caliphate was worrying the British deep state. What
if the circumstances changed, and the religious and political influence of the
Caliphate became a threat to Britain? For this reason, they came up with a
multi-layered caliphate policy, which would involve gradual undermining of
the Caliphate's authority among the Muslim population living under British
George Percy Badger, an adviser to the British Foreign Secretary, prepared a
report in January 1873 on the Ottoman Caliph. He claimed that since the
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was an Arab, the caliphate had to be an Arabic
institution. However, Ottoman sultans were viewed and revered especially by
Asian Muslims as the true caliph. Using the 'ethnicity' card as a deception,
the British deep state sought to rally Arab Muslims against the Ottoman Em-
pire. According to their deep plans, this tactic would prevent Arabs from rec-
ognizing Ottoman sultans as their caliph and thus diminish the influence of
Ottoman caliphs in the Islamic world. 2
Five months after this report was penned, the Foreign Office instructed all
the British consuls in Asia to investigate the religious and political develop-
ments in the Muslim world. In other words, Britain began its efforts to turn
sixty million Muslims living under British rule against the Ottomans and the
Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, a diplomat of the British Foreign Office, was known
as an expert on Arabs and the Middle East. As one of the prominent sup-
porters of the Arab independence movement during his visits to the region,
Blunt devised plans to break off the Arabs from the Ottoman Empire. In his
book The Future of Islam, he made serious accusations against the Ottoman
… that the House of Othman has been and is the curse of Islam, and that its
end is at hand. … They know that as long as there is an Ottoman Caliph,
whether his name be Abd el Aziz or Abd el Hamid, moral progress is impossi-
ble, that the ijtahad cannot be re-opened … Abd el Hamid's rule is neither
juster nor more in accordance with the Mussulman law than that of his pre-