Page 327 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 327
Adnan Harun Yahya
Edwin Pears
Pears spent 40 years in Istanbul before
having to return to London, where he im-
mediately became famous for his hatred of
Turks. He must have done his job well; the
job given to him by the British deep state,
because when he returned to his country, he
was knighted. Unsurprisingly, his article
published in Daily News in 1876 on the al-
leged massacres in Bulgaria, caused wide
anti-Turkish protests.
Pears was also made an honorary
knight both in Greece and Bulgaria. In his
book entitled Turkey and its People, Pears
said of the Armenians, "They are an ancient
people of the same Indo-European race as Edwin Pears
ourselves..." In his book, he went so far as to
tell lies such as, "The penalty for speaking it
[the Armenian language] was to have the
tongue torn out." The truth is Armenians
lived in the Ottoman Empire for more than 500 years in peaceful co-existence
and spoke their own language freely. For instance, by 1897, the number of
Armenian schools in the Empire had reached 922.
Edwin Pears' following remarks in his 1918 article for Daily News enti-
tled 'Constantinople, Romance of the City', clearly showed the deep-seated
hostility he harbored for Turks:
Well, it looks as if the Turk will be got rid of, and if it be so there will be a
song of triumph which should go up from every Christian race in the World,
a Te Deum in which all lovers of civilisation should take part. For centuries
the Christians in the Ottoman Empire have been sustained by hope, holding
to the faith that though life was long and weary, rest would come: the dark-
some night of persecution would pass and day would dawn. 164