Page 362 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 362
Mr. Hohler: … I don't care about the situation of the KURDS AND ARME-
NIANS. We pay attention to the Kurdish problem only because of
Mesopotamia. On the other hand, Wilson is scaring me, his agents are always
making mistakes. But he [Noel] is another fanatic … I agree with you that
KURDISH PROBLEM exists to create a satisfactory border in
Mesopotamia… 212
Admiral F. de Robeck: … Mr. Hohler talked to Kurdish leader Sheikh Said
Abdülkadir Pasha for the Kurdish problem. Kurds have pinned their hopes
on the British. In the meantime, Mustafa Kemal is getting more dangerous.
Forces are ready to spend whatever is necessary to use the Kurds against
Mustafa Kemal. 213
Meeting notes: … Kurdish tribes will be placed under British and French pro-
tection, NO TURK will be left at all in KURDISTAN. It will be decided if it
is going to be a SINGLE KURDISH STATE or multiple small KURDISH
STATES. Weapons will be supplied to Armenians via Americans… A secret
organization was set up in Istanbul and is declaring nationalists traitors… 214
Admiral F. de Robeck: … Kurdistan must detach from Turkey completely
and gain autonomy. We can reconcile the Kurdish and Armenian interests.
Sayyid Abdülkadir, the head of the Kurdish club in Istanbul and Şerif Pasha,
the Kurdish delegate in Paris, are at your service. 215
Admiral F. de Robeck: … [Grand Vizier] Damad Ferid came to me and said,
'According to the peace treaty, Kurds will have their separate state. Kurdish
leaders don't like Mustafa Kemal. You hate Mustafa Kemal because he does-
n't accept the treaty you prepared. Then let's all together, mobilize Kurds
against Mustafa Kemal.' 216
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed