Page 420 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 420
Social Engineering
D eep states, in their quest to exploit countries, mold public opinions
and establish their influence around the world, consider wars, mil-
itary campaigns, civil unrest and political interventions as useful
methods. However, they believe that for these methods to be truly effective
and have lasting results, they need to be coupled with the mental and psy-
chological preparation of the relevant societies. To them, shaping and win-
ning public opinion is essential for the achievement of imperialist goals. So-
cial engineering efforts, which consist of extensive propaganda methods and
perception operations, are considered vital to this undertaking.
Social engineering is a multi-faceted and comprehensive effort designed
to influence the thoughts and behaviors of masses and to manipulate and
control their emotions, desires, ambitions, reactions, and resentments.
Perception operations employed to this end serve the purpose of estab-
lishing global power and imperialist rule, of removing obstacles in their path,
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed