Page 423 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 423
Adnan Harun Yahya
This is the reason behind the British deep state's fascination with the re-
gion for centuries. Directing its entire propaganda power over the region, it
resumed its 'divide and rule' strategy for the Middle East, which had been ini-
tiated but left unfinished by the Sykes-Picot agreement. This strategy worked
for countries like Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Libya and made those countries de-
pendent on the deep state. Continuous civil unrest in these states caused their
division, which was the original deep plan. In the meantime, black propa-
ganda against countries that held the potential to lead the Islamic Union in-
tensified. Turkey and Iran were the main targets.
The British deep state clearly declared its position as the primary sup-
porter, backer, promoter, and defender of the terror group PKK, which is its
most important weapon in its quest to divide Turkey. The media empire of
the deep state, which in the past largely contributed to the dismemberment
of the Ottoman Empire, played the biggest role in the fragmentation of many
countries and acted as a prominent supporter of terror groups like the PKK.