Page 433 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 433

Adnan Harun Yahya

                            Gladstone remained in power between 1880-1885 as Prime Minister and,

                        during his term of office, the anti-Turkish sentiment spread immensely. The
                        media, in particular, carried out an intense indoctrination with regards to the

                        Turkish and Ottoman identities. Fake news of 'Turkish barbarity' and 'Turk-
                        ish violence' spread like wildfire. Sir Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett, the British MP

                        who observed the Turkish-Greek war of 1897 at the battlefield, mentions the
                        hostile policy that the British suddenly unleashed against the Turks in his


                            The most violent denunciations and the most vituperative epithets were
                            indulged in during the ten months after December, 1894, and were based

                            upon journalistic fictions… These stories either had no existence whatever in
                            reality, or rested on the most slender basis of fact.

                            By atrocity-mongering and sham sentiment, I mean two things: first, the

                            charge against a nation or power of atrocities which do not exist… For nine
                            months the Sultan, the Turkish Government, the Turkish army, and the

                            Turkish people were vilified and attacked in England for alleged atrocities…
                            which never had any existence at all. … These horrible atrocities never exist-
                            ed; the stories were absolute fiction... 253

                            While the British tried to show Ottomans as a barbarous, backward,
                        primitive and violent society using absurd lies, they were also giving the sub-

                        liminal message that the Ottoman Empire had to be brought
                        down. Prime Minister Herbert Henry Asquith said in a

                        speech that the Ottoman Empire was on its deathbed
                        and maintained that the sick man would not revive

                        again. 254

                            This entire propaganda operation was carried
                        out in tandem with the British deep state's opera-

                        tion to dismember the Ottoman Empire. In 1898,
                        the British Prime Minister Lord Salisbury sent a

                        telegram to the British ambassador at St. Petersburg
                        suggesting a 'partition of preponderance'    255  between
                                                                                             Lord Salisbury
                        Russia and Britain in the Ottoman Empire confirming
                        the existence of this strategy.
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