Page 436 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 436

the curse of Europe, the source of innumerable wars, the executioners in count-

                         less massacres...Such a... government as this is a curse to modern civilization.
                         … My earnest hope is that among the results of the war... one of the great re-

                         sults I pray for will be the final extinction of the Turkish Empire in Europe. 258

                         When Colonel House suggested Henry Morgenthau as ambassador to

                     Turkey in 1912, the US President Woodrow Wilson said, "There ain't going
                     to be no Turkey," to which House replied, "Then let him go look for it".

                         Wilson revealed the prevalent anti-Turkish stance in the USA during

                     those days when he said that what the American public will approve would
                     be the defense of Armenians or any other nations against Turks.       259

                         French historian Albert Sorel, on the other hand, said the following:

                         This is the policy some civilizations pursue in the East. They snatch parts of
                         Turkish, Indian, Chinese lands, seize their wealth, kill them and then tell
                         them 'don't get angry, we're not fighting with you. We are your best friends.' 260

                                                   Ahmed Rıza in his book La Crise de L'Islâm (The
                                                   Crisis of Islam) explained the black propaganda

                                                      of the British deep state against the Turks in
                                                        the words of a Westerner:

                                                           Enduring the presence of Turks in Europe,
                                                            who maintain their classic barbarous and
                                                             tyrannical character, is a stain for the Eu-

                                                             ropean civilization; Turks must be kicked
                                                             out of Europe. (The Noble Turkish na-
                                                             tion is above such words)

                                                                 Let's remember at this point that

                                                            prior to WWI, the British deep state had
                                                           heavily focused on the United States and
                                                         easily manipulated it into alignment with
                     Albert Sorel
                                                       its goals. The Turkophobia that developed in

                                                     the United States during this time was due to

           Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
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