Page 440 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 440
The Propaganda Bureau of The British Deep State:
Wellington House
The British deep state used its propaganda tools most effectively and ex-
tensively during WWI. War was being fought not only in battlefields, but al-
so in newspaper headlines. So much so that the black propaganda operations
to malign the enemy and exonerate the allies contributed greatly to the British
success in WWI. The sinister propaganda campaign probably dealt one of the
deadliest blows to the Ottoman Empire. It is important to reveal the sinister
policies the British deep state followed during WWI, because only then can
we understand the current strategies used today. The British deep state con-
tinues to carry out intense propaganda using media and various organizations
to bring the countries they target closer to downfall, to spread lies easily and
to add new countries to its empire of colonies. Needless to say, the said pro-
paganda network is more effective and widespread today than ever before.
Britain's propaganda bureau, under the guidance of the British deep state,
carefully designed the anti-Turkish propaganda during WWI. American in-
stitutions and leaders also joined in the process, urged on by the same deep
organization. Let us reiterate that the similar propaganda efforts of Ameri-
can institutions during those days were largely carried out at the instigation
of the British deep state. During the two world wars, the USA got its infor-
mation and intelligence solely through British sources. This enabled the
British deep state to carry out its provocation using such propaganda and to
determine the friends and foes of the USA for her.
During WWI, the British Foreign Office was responsible for the British
deep state's propaganda operations. So much so, the Foreign Office set up a
'War Propaganda Bureau' in Wellington House building at Buckingham Gate,
London in 1914, and appointed Charles Masterman from the House of Lords
as its director. From that point on, although its institutional structure and
leaders changed, British deep state propaganda continued through 'Welling-
ton House'.
Since then, many people and agencies have worked according to the in-
structions and directives of Wellington House, including politicians, busi-
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed